The Best Business Quotes

All of the quotes used in this website are direct quotes. These are all exact words used by the credited speaker. Verbatim quotes need to be placed in a pair of quotation marks. Quotation marks aren't applied on the site for ease of the design as well as if you want effortless copy & paste. You should use them to be correct.

Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so exciting.
-Bill Gates

The leader who exercises power with honor will work from the inside out, starting with himself.
-Blaine Lee

If you are smart enough to know that you're not smart enough to be an Engineer, then you're in Business.

Do you have any qreat quotes to share?

Good products and services sell themselves, junk needs advertising.

Every young man would do well to remember that all successful business stands on the foundation of morality.
-Henry Ward Beecher

I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it's time America was run like a business.
-Donald Trump

Advertising serves not so much to Advertise products as to promote consumption as a way of life.
-Carl Lash

Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
-Steve Jobs

The interesting thing is when we design and architect a server, we don't design it for Windows or Linux, we design it for both. We don't really care, as long as we're selling the one the customer wants.
-Michael Dell

I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.
-Donald Trump

I think a newspaper should be provocative, stir 'em up, but you can't do that on television. It's just not on.
-Rupert Murdoch

Business, that's easily defined - it's other people's money.
-Peter F. Drucker